Aardwolf Acanthaster planci Acinynox jubatus Acrantophis madagascariensis Acridotheres tristis Acrobates pygmaeus Actophilornis africanus Admiral, indian red Adouri (unidentified) Aegypius occipitalis Aegypius tracheliotus Aepyceros mylampus African black crake African buffalo African bush squirrel African clawless otter African darter African elephant African fish eagle African ground squirrel (unidentified) African jacana African lion African lynx African pied wagtail African polecat African porcupine African red-eyed bulbul African skink African snake (unidentified) African wild cat African wild dog Agama lizard (unidentified) Agama sp. Agelaius phoeniceus Agile wallaby Agkistrodon piscivorus Agouti Agouti paca Albatross, galapagos Albatross, waved Alcelaphus buselaphus caama Alcelaphus buselaphus cokii Alces alces Alectura lathami Alligator mississippiensis Alligator, american Alligator, mississippi Alopex lagopus Alopochen aegyptiacus Alouatta seniculus Alpaca Amazon parrot (unidentified) Amazona sp. Amblyrhynchus cristatus American Virginia opossum American alligator American badger American beaver American bighorn sheep American bison American black bear American buffalo American crow American marten American racer American woodcock Ammospermophilus nelsoni Amphibolurus barbatus Anaconda (unidentified) Anas bahamensis Anas platyrhynchos Anas punctata Anastomus oscitans Anathana ellioti Andean goose Anhinga rufa Anitibyx armatus Anser anser Anser caerulescens Ant (unidentified) Anteater, australian spiny Anteater, giant Antechinus flavipes Antechinus, brown Antelope ground squirrel Antelope, four-horned Antelope, roan Antelope, sable Anthropoides paradisea Antidorcas marsupialis Antilocapra americana Antilope cervicapra Aonyx capensis Aonyx cinerea Aquila chrysaetos Ara ararauna Ara chloroptera Ara macao Arboral spiny rat Arctic fox Arctic ground squirrel Arctic hare Arctic lemming Arctic tern Arctogalidia trivirgata Ardea cinerea Ardea golieth Argalis Armadillo, common long-nosed Armadillo, giant Armadillo, nine-banded Armadillo, seven-banded Asian elephant Asian false vampire bat Asian foreset tortoise Asian lion Asian openbill Asian red fox Asian water buffalo Asian water dragon Asiatic jackal Asiatic wild ass Ass, asiatic wild Ateles paniscus Australian brush turkey Australian magpie Australian masked owl Australian pelican Australian sea lion Australian spiny anteater Avocet, pied Axis axis Azara's zorro Baboon, chacma Baboon, gelada Baboon, olive Baboon, savanna Baboon, yellow Badger, american Badger, eurasian Badger, european Badger, honey Bahama pintail Bald eagle Balearica pavonina Baleen whale Banded mongoose Bandicoot, long-nosed Bandicoot, short-nosed Bandicoot, southern brown Barasingha deer Barbet, black-collared Barbet, crested Barbet, levaillant's Bare-faced go away bird Barking gecko Barrows goldeneye Bassariscus astutus Bat, asian false vampire Bat, little brown Bat, madagascar fruit Bat-eared fox Bateleur eagle Bear, american black Bear, black Bear, grizzly Bear, polar Bear, sloth Beaver, american Beaver, eurasian Beaver, european Beaver, north american Bee-eater (unidentified) Bee-eater, carmine Bee-eater, nubian Bee-eater, white-fronted Beisa oryx Bengal vulture Bennett's wallaby Bent-toed gecko Bettong, brush-tailed Bettongia penicillata Bird (unidentified) Bird, bare-faced go away Bird, black-throated butcher Bird, magnificent frigate Bird, pied butcher Bird, red-billed tropic Bird, secretary Bison bison Bison, american Black and white colobus Black bear Black curlew Black kite Black rhinoceros Black spider monkey Black swan Black vulture Black-backed jackal Black-backed magpie Black-capped capuchin Black-capped chickadee Black-cheeked waxbill Black-collared barbet Black-crowned crane Black-crowned night heron Black-eyed bulbul Black-faced kangaroo Black-footed ferret Black-fronted bulbul Black-necked stork Black-tailed deer Black-tailed prairie dog Black-tailed tree creeper Black-throated butcher bird Black-throated cardinal Black-winged stilt Blackbird, red-winged Blackbuck Blackish oystercatcher Blacksmith plover Bleeding heart monkey Blesbok Bleu, blue-breasted cordon Bleu, red-cheeked cordon Blue and gold macaw Blue and yellow macaw Blue catfish Blue crane Blue duck Blue fox Blue peacock Blue racer Blue shark Blue waxbill Blue wildebeest Blue-breasted cordon bleu Blue-faced booby Blue-footed booby Blue-tongued lizard Blue-tongued skink Boa caninus Boa constrictor mexicana Boa, columbian rainbow Boa, cook's tree Boa, emerald green tree Boa, malagasy ground Boa, mexican Boar, wild Boat-billed heron Bobcat Bohor reedbuck Bonnet macaque Bontebok Booby, blue-faced Booby, blue-footed Booby, masked Bos frontalis Bos mutus Bos taurus Boselaphus tragocamelus Bottle-nose dolphin Boubou, southern Bradypus tridactylus Branta canadensis Brazilian otter Brazilian tapir Brindled gnu Brocket, brown Brocket, red Brolga crane Brown and yellow marshbird Brown antechinus Brown brocket Brown capuchin Brown hyena Brown lemur Brown pelican Brush-tailed bettong Brush-tailed phascogale Brush-tailed rat kangaroo Bubalornis niger Bubalus arnee Bubo sp. Bubo virginianus Bubulcus ibis Bucephala clangula Bucorvus leadbeateri Buffalo, african Buffalo, american Buffalo, asian water Buffalo, wild water Bugeranus caruncalatus Bulbul, african red-eyed Bulbul, black-eyed Bulbul, black-fronted Bunting, crested Burchell's gonolek Burmese black mountain tortoise Burmese brown mountain tortoise Burrowing owl Bush dog Bushbaby, large-eared Bushbuck Bushpig Bustard, denham's Bustard, kori Bustard, stanley Buteo galapagoensis Buteo jamaicensis Buteo regalis Butorides striatus Butterfly (unidentified) Butterfly, canadian tiger swallowtail Butterfly, tropical buckeye Buttermilk snake Cabassous sp. Cacatua galerita Cacatua tenuirostris Caiman crocodilus Caiman, spectacled California sea lion Callipepla gambelii Callorhinus ursinus Calyptorhynchus magnificus Camel, dromedary Camelus dromedarius Campo flicker Canada goose Canadian river otter Canadian tiger swallowtail butterfly Canis aureus Canis dingo Canis latrans Canis lupus Canis lupus baileyi Canis lupus lycaon Canis mesomelas Cape Barren goose Cape clawless otter Cape cobra Cape fox Cape raven Cape starling Cape white-eye Cape wild cat Capra ibex Capreolus capreolus Capuchin, black-capped Capuchin, brown Capuchin, weeper Capuchin, white-fronted Capybara Caracal Caracara (unidentified) Caracara, yellow-headed Cardinal, black-throated Cardinal, red-capped Carduelis pinus Carduelis uropygialis Caribou Carmine bee-eater Carpet python Carpet snake Carphophis sp. Casmerodius albus Castor canadensis Castor fiber Cat, african wild Cat, cape wild Cat, civet Cat, european wild Cat, jungle Cat, kaffir Cat, long-tailed spotted Cat, miner's Cat, native Cat, ringtail Cat, tiger Cat, toddy Catfish, blue Catharacta skua Cathartes aura Cattle egret Cebus albifrons Cebus apella Cebus nigrivittatus Centrocercus urophasianus Ceratotherium simum Cercatetus concinnus Cercopithecus aethiops Cereopsis goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae Certotrichas paena Cervus canadensis Cervus duvauceli Cervus elaphus Cervus unicolor Ceryle rudis Chacma baboon Chamaelo sp. Chameleon (unidentified) Charadrius tricollaris Chauna torquata Cheetah Chelodina longicollis Chestnut weaver Chickadee, black-capped Chilean flamingo Chimpanzee Chionis alba Chipmunk, least Chital Chlamydosaurus kingii Chlidonias leucopterus Chloephaga melanoptera Choloepus hoffmani Chordeiles minor Choriotis kori Chuckwalla Ciconia ciconia Ciconia episcopus Civet (unidentified) Civet cat Civet, common palm Civet, small-toothed palm Clark's nutcracker Cliffchat, mocking Climacteris melanura Coatimundi, ring-tailed Coatimundi, white-nosed Cobra (unidentified) Cobra, cape Cobra, egyptian Cochlearius cochlearius Cockatoo, long-billed Cockatoo, red-breasted Cockatoo, red-tailed Cockatoo, roseate Cockatoo, slender-billed Cockatoo, sulfur-crested Coendou prehensilis Coke's hartebeest Colaptes campestroides Collared lemming Collared lizard Collared peccary Colobus guerza Colobus, black and white Colobus, magistrate black Colobus, white-mantled Coluber constrictor Coluber constrictor foxii Columba livia Columba palumbus Columbian rainbow boa Comb duck Common boubou shrike Common brushtail possum Common dolphin Common duiker Common eland Common genet Common goldeneye Common green iguana Common grenadier Common langur Common long-nosed armadillo Common melba finch Common mynah Common nighthawk Common palm civet Common pheasant Common raccoon Common rhea Common ringtail Common seal Common shelduck Common turkey Common wallaroo Common waterbuck Common wolf Common wombat Common zebra Common zorro Connochaetus taurinus Conolophus subcristatus Constrictor, eastern boa Cook's tree boa Coot, red-knobbed Coqui francolin Coqui partridge Coracias caudata Corallus hortulanus cooki Cordylus giganteus Corella, long-billed Cormorant (unidentified) Cormorant, flightless Cormorant, great Cormorant, javanese Cormorant, king Cormorant, large Cormorant, little Cormorant, neotropic Cormorant, pied Corvus albicollis Corvus albus Corvus brachyrhynchos Corythornis cristata Cottonmouth Cougar Cow, scottish highland Coyote Crab (unidentified) Crab, red lava Crab, sally lightfoot Crab-eating fox Crab-eating raccoon Cracticus nigroagularis Crake, african black Crane, black-crowned Crane, blue Crane, brolga Crane, sandhill Crane, sarus Crane, stanley Crane, wattled Crax sp. Creagrus furcatus Creeper, black-tailed tree Crested barbet Crested bunting Crested porcupine Crested screamer Crimson-breasted shrike Crocodile, nile Crocodylus niloticus Crocuta crocuta Crotalus adamanteus Crotalus cerastes Crotalus triseriatus Crotaphytus collaris Crow, american Crow, house Crow, pied Crown of thorns starfish Crowned eagle Crowned hawk-eagle Ctenophorus ornatus Cuis Curlew, black Currasow (unidentified) Curve-billed thrasher Cygnus atratus Cygnus buccinator Cynictis penicillata Cynomys ludovicianus Cyrtodactylus louisiadensis Dabchick Dacelo novaeguineae Dama wallaby Damaliscus dorcas Damaliscus lunatus Dark-winged trumpeter Darter, african Darwin ground finch (unidentified) Dassie Dasyprocta leporina Dasypus novemcinctus Dasypus septemcincus Dasyurus maculatus Dasyurus viverrinus Deer, barasingha Deer, black-tailed Deer, mule Deer, red Deer, roe Deer, savannah Deer, spotted Deer, swamp Deer, white-tailed Defassa waterbuck Delphinus delphis Dendrocitta vagabunda Dendrocygna viduata Dendrohyrax brucel Denham's bustard Deroptyus accipitrinus Desert kangaroo rat Desert spiny lizard Desert tortoise Devil, tasmanian Diceros bicornis Dicrostonyx groenlandicus Dicrurus adsimilis Didelphis virginiana Dik, kirk's dik Dingo Diomedea irrorata Dipodomys deserti Dog, african wild Dog, black-tailed prairie Dog, bush Dog, raccoon Dolichitus patagonum Dolphin, bottle-nose Dolphin, common Dolphin, striped Dove, emerald-spotted wood Dove, galapagos Dove, laughing Dove, little brown Dove, mourning collared Dove, ring Dove, rock Dove, white-winged Downy woodpecker Dragon, asian water Dragon, frilled Dragon, komodo Dragon, netted rock Dragon, ornate rock Dragon, western bearded Dragonfly, russian Dromaeus novaehollandiae Dromedary camel Drongo, fork-tailed Drymarchon corias couperi Duck, blue Duck, comb Duck, mountain Duck, white-faced whistling Duiker, common Duiker, gray Dunnart, fat-tailed Dusicyon thous Dusky gull Dusky rattlesnake Eagle owl (unidentified) Eagle, african fish Eagle, bald Eagle, bateleur Eagle, crowned Eagle, golden Eagle, long-crested hawk Eagle, pallas's fish Eagle, tawny Eagle, white-bellied sea Eastern boa constrictor Eastern box turtle Eastern cottontail rabbit Eastern diamondback rattlesnake Eastern dwarf mongoose Eastern fox squirrel Eastern grey kangaroo Eastern indigo snake Eastern quoll Eastern white pelican Echidna, short-beaked Echimys chrysurus Egret, cattle Egret, great Egret, snowy Egretta thula Egyptian cobra Egyptian goose Egyptian viper Egyptian vulture Eira barbata Eland, common Elegant crested tinamou Elephant, african Elephant, asian Elephas maximus bengalensis Eleven-banded armadillo (unidentified) Elk, Wapiti Emerald green tree boa Emerald-spotted wood dove Emu Eolophus roseicapillus Ephippiorhynchus mycteria Ephipplorhynchus senegalensis Epicrates cenchria maurus Equus burchelli Equus hemionus Eremophila alpestris Erethizon dorsatum Erinaceus frontalis Estrilda erythronotos Eubalaena australis Eudromia elegans Eudyptula minor Eumetopias jubatus Eunectes sp. Eurasian badger Eurasian beaver Eurasian hoopoe Eurasian red squirrel Euro wallaby Eurocephalus anguitimens European badger European beaver European red squirrel European shelduck European spoonbill European stork European wild cat Eutamias minimus Fairy penguin Falco mexicanus Falco peregrinus Falcon, peregrine Falcon, prairie Fat-tailed dunnart Feathertail glider Felis caracal Felis chaus Felis concolor Felis libyca Felis pardalis Felis rufus Felis serval Felis silvestris lybica Felis wiedi or Leopardus weidi Felis yagouaroundi Feral rock pigeon Ferret, black-footed Ferruginous hawk Field flicker Finch, common melba Fisher Flamingo, chilean Flamingo, greater Flamingo, lesser Flamingo, roseat Flicker, campo Flicker, field Flightless cormorant Flycatcher, tyrant Flying fox (unidentified) Fork-tailed drongo Four-horned antelope Four-spotted skimmer Four-striped grass mouse Fowl, helmeted guinea Fox, arctic Fox, asian red Fox, bat-eared Fox, blue Fox, cape Fox, crab-eating Fox, grey Fox, north american red Fox, pampa gray Fox, savanna Fox, silver-backed Francolin, coqui Francolin, swainson's Francolinus coqui Francolinus leucoscepus Francolinus swainsonii Fratercula corniculata Fregata magnificans Frilled dragon Frilled lizard Fringe-eared oryx Frog (unidentified) Frogmouth, tawny Fulica cristata Funambulus pennati Gabianus pacificus Galago crassicaudataus Galah Galapagos albatross Galapagos dove Galapagos hawk Galapagos mockingbird Galapagos penguin Galapagos sea lion Galapagos tortoise Galictis vittata Gambel's quail Gaur Gazella granti Gazella thompsonii Gazelle, grant's Gazelle, thomson's Gazer, sun Gecko (unidentified) Gecko, barking Gecko, bent-toed Gecko, ring-tailed Gecko, tokay Gekko gecko Gelada baboon Gemsbok Genet, common Genet, small-spotted Genetta genetta Genoveva Geochelone elegans Geochelone elephantopus Geochelone radiata Geococcyx californianus Geospiza sp. Gerbil (unidentified) Gerbillus sp. Gerenuk Giant anteater Giant armadillo Giant girdled lizard Giant heron Giant otter Gila monster Giraffe Giraffe camelopardalis Glider, feathertail Glider, squirrel Glider, sugar Globicephala melas Glossy ibis Glossy starling (unidentified) Gnu, brindled Goanna lizard Goat, mountain Godwit, hudsonian Golden brush-tailed possum Golden eagle Golden jackal Golden-mantled ground squirrel Goldeneye, barrows Goldeneye, common Goliath heron Gonolek, burchell's Goose, andean Goose, canada Goose, cape barren Goose, cereopsis Goose, egyptian Goose, greylag Goose, knob-nosed Goose, snow Goose, spur-winged Gopherus agassizii Gorilla gorilla Gorilla, western lowland Grant's gazelle Graspus graspus Gray duiker Gray heron Gray langur Gray rhea Great cormorant Great egret Great horned owl Great kiskadee Great skua Great white pelican Greater adjutant stork Greater blue-eared starling Greater flamingo Greater kudu Greater rhea Greater roadrunner Greater sage grouse Grebe, little Green heron Green vine snake Green-backed heron Green-winged macaw Green-winged trumpeter Grenadier, common Grenadier, purple Grey fox Grey heron Grey lourie Grey mouse lemur Grey phalarope Grey-footed squirrel Greylag goose Griffon vulture Grison Grizzly bear Ground legaan Ground monitor (unidentified) Groundhog Grouse, greater sage Grouse, sage Grus antigone Grus canadensis Grus rubicundus Guanaco Guerza Gull, dusky Gull, herring Gull, kelp Gull, lava Gull, pacific Gull, silver Gull, southern black-backed Gull, swallow-tail Gulls (unidentified) Gymnorhina tibicen Gyps bengalensis Gyps fulvus Haematopus ater Halcyon smyrnesis Haliaeetus leucocephalus Haliaeetus leucoryphus Haliaetus leucogaster Haliaetus vocifer Hanuman langur Harbor seal Hare, arctic Hartebeest, coke's Hartebeest, red Hawk, ferruginous Hawk, galapagos Hawk, red-tailed Hawk-eagle, crowned Hawk-headed parrot Hedgehog, south african Helmeted guinea fowl Heloderma horridum Helogale undulata Hen, sage Heron, black-crowned night Heron, boat-billed Heron, giant Heron, goliath Heron, gray Heron, green Heron, green-backed Heron, grey Heron, little Heron, striated Heron, yellow-crowned night Herpestes javanicus Herring gull Himantopus himantopus Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius Hippotragus equinus Hippotragus niger Hoary marmot Hoffman's sloth Honey badger Hoopoe, eurasian Hornbill, leadbeateri's ground Hornbill, red-billed Hornbill, southern ground Hornbill, yellow-billed Horned lark Horned puffin Horned rattlesnake Hottentot teal House crow House sparrow Hudsonian godwit Hummingbird (unidentified) Huron Hyaena brunnea Hyaena hyaena Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris Hyena, brown Hyena, spotted Hyena, striped Hymenolaimus malacorhynchus Hyrax Hystrix cristata Hystrix indica Ibex Ibis, glossy Ibis, puna Ibis, sacred Ictalurus furcatus Ictonyx striatus Iguana iguana Iguana, common green Iguana, land Iguana, marine Impala Indian giant squirrel Indian jackal Indian leopard Indian mynah Indian peacock Indian porcupine Indian red admiral Indian star tortoise Indian tree pie Insect, stick Irania gutteralis Isoodon obesulus Jabiru stork Jacana, african Jackal, asiatic Jackal, black-backed Jackal, golden Jackal, indian Jackal, silver-backed Jackrabbit, white-tailed Jaeger, long-tailed Jaguar Jaguarundi Japanese macaque Javan gold-spotted mongoose Javanese cormorant Jungle cat Jungle kangaroo Junonia genoveua Kaffir cat Kafue flats lechwe Kalahari scrub robin Kangaroo, black-faced Kangaroo, brush-tailed rat Kangaroo, eastern grey Kangaroo, jungle Kangaroo, red Kangaroo, western grey Kelp gull Killer whale King cormorant King vulture Kingfisher, malachite Kingfisher, pied Kingfisher, white-throated Kinkajou Kirk's dik dik Kiskadee, great Kite, black Klipspringer Knob-nosed goose Koala Kobus defassa Kobus leche robertsi Kobus vardonii vardoni Komodo dragon Kongoni Kookaburra, laughing Kori bustard Kudu, greater Lama glama Lama guanicoe Lama pacos Lamprotornis chalybaeus Lamprotornis nitens Lamprotornis sp. Lamprotornis superbus Land iguana Langur, common Langur, gray Langur, hanuman Laniarius ferrugineus Laniaurius atrococcineus Lappet-faced vulture Lapwing (unidentified) Lapwing, southern Large cormorant Large-eared bushbaby Lark, horned Larus dominicanus Larus fuliginosus Larus novaehollandiae Larus sp. Lasiodora parahybana Lasiorhinus latifrons Laughing dove Laughing kookaburra Lava gull Leadbeateri's ground hornbill Least chipmunk Lechwe, kafue flats Legaan, Monitor (unidentified) Legaan, ground Legaan, water Leipoa ocellata Lemming, arctic Lemming, collared Lemur catta Lemur fulvus Lemur, brown Lemur, grey mouse Lemur, lesser mouse Lemur, ring-tailed Lemur, sportive Leopard Leopard, indian Lepilemur rufescens Leprocaulinus vipera Leptoptilos crumeniferus Leptoptilus dubius Lepus arcticus Lepus townsendii Lesser double-collared sunbird Lesser flamingo Lesser masked weaver Lesser mouse lemur Levaillant's barbet Libellula quadrimaculata Lilac-breasted roller Lily trotter Limnocorax flavirostra Limosa haemastica Lion, african Lion, asian Lion, australian sea Lion, california sea Lion, galapagos sea Lion, mountain Lion, south american sea Lion, southern sea Lion, steller sea Lion, steller's sea Litrocranius walleri Little blue penguin Little brown bat Little brown dove Little cormorant Little grebe Little heron Lizard (unidentified) Lizard, blue-tongued Lizard, collared Lizard, desert spiny Lizard, frilled Lizard, giant girdled Lizard, goanna Lizard, mexican beaded Llama Long-billed cockatoo Long-billed corella Long-crested hawk eagle Long-finned pilot whale Long-necked turtle Long-nosed bandicoot Long-tailed jaeger Long-tailed skua Long-tailed spotted cat Lophoaetus occipitalis Lorikeet, scaly-breasted Loris tardigratus Loris, slender Lory, rainbow Lorythaixoides concolor Lourie, grey Loxodonta africana Lutra canadensis Lybius torquatus Lycaon pictus Lycosa godeffroyi Lynx, african Mabuya spilogaster Macaca fuscata Macaca mulatta Macaca nemestrina Macaca radiata Macaque, bonnet Macaque, japanese Macaque, pig-tailed Macaque, rhesus Macaw, blue and gold Macaw, blue and yellow Macaw, green-winged Macaw, red and blue Macaw, scarlet Macropus agilis Macropus eugenii Macropus fuliginosus Macropus giganteus Macropus parryi Macropus robustus Macropus rufogriseus Macropus rufus Madagascar fruit bat Madagascar hawk owl Madoqua kirkii Magellanic penguin Magistrate black colobus Magnificent frigate bird Magpie, australian Magpie, black-backed Malabar squirrel Malachite kingfisher Malagasy ground boa Malay squirrel (unidentified) Mallard Malleefowl Manatee Mandras tree shrew Manouria emys Mara Marabou stork Margay Marine iguana Marmot, hoary Marmot, yellow-bellied Marmota caligata Marmota flaviventris Marmota monax Marshbird, brown and yellow Marten, american Martes americana Martes pennanti Masked booby Mazama americana Mazama gouazoubira Meerkat Meerkat, red Megaderma spasma Melanerpes erythrocephalus Meleagris gallopavo Meles meles Mellivora capensis Melophus lathami Melursus ursinus Mephitis mephitis Merops bullockoides Merops nubicus Merops sp. Mexican beaded lizard Mexican boa Mexican wolf Microcavia australis Microcebus murinus Milvago chimachima Milvus migrans Miner's cat Mirounga angustirostris Mirounga leonina Mississippi alligator Moccasin, water Mocking cliffchat Mockingbird, galapagos Mongoose, banded Mongoose, eastern dwarf Mongoose, javan gold-spotted Mongoose, small indian Mongoose, yellow Monitor lizard (unidentified) Monitor, two-banded Monitor, water Monitor, white-throated Monkey, black spider Monkey, bleeding heart Monkey, red howler Monkey, rhesus Monkey, vervet Monster, gila Moorhen, purple Moose Morelia spilotes variegata Motacilla aguimp Mouflon Mountain duck Mountain goat Mountain lion Mourning collared dove Mouse, four-striped grass Mudskipper (unidentified) Mule deer Mungos mungo Musk ox Mustela nigripes Mycteria ibis Mycteria leucocephala Myiarchus tuberculifer Mynah, common Mynah, indian Myotis lucifugus Myrmecobius fasciatus Myrmecophaga tridactyla Naja haje Naja nivea Naja sp. Nannopterum harrisi Nasua narica Nasua nasua Native cat Nectarinia chalybea Nelson ground squirrel Neophoca cinerea Neophron percnopterus Neotis denhami Neotoma sp. Neotropic cormorant Nesomimus trifasciatus Netted rock dragon Nighthawk, common Nile crocodile Nilgai Nine-banded armadillo Ninox superciliaris North American beaver North American porcupine North American red fox North American river otter Northern elephant seal Northern fur seal Northern phalarope Notechis semmiannulatus Nubian bee-eater Nucifraga columbiana Numbat Numida meleagris Nutcracker, clark's Nuthatch, red-breasted Nyala Nyctanassa violacea Nyctea scandiaca Nyctereutes procyonoides Nycticorax nycticorax Ocelot Odocoilenaus virginianus Odocoileus hemionus Old world fruit bat (unidentified) Olive baboon Onager Oncorhynchus nerka Openbill stork Openbill, asian Opossum, american virginia Orca Orcinus orca Oreamnos americanus Oreotragus oreotragus Oribi Oriental short-clawed otter Oriental white-backed vulture Ornate rock dragon Ornithorhynchus anatinus Oryx gazella Oryx gazella callotis Oryx, beisa Oryx, fringe-eared Osprey Ostrich Otaria flavescens Otocyon megalotis Otter, african clawless Otter, brazilian Otter, canadian river Otter, cape clawless Otter, giant Otter, north american river Otter, oriental short-clawed Otter, small-clawed Ourebia ourebi Ovenbird Ovibos moschatus Ovis ammon Ovis canadensis Ovis dalli stonei Ovis musimon Ovis orientalis Owl, australian masked Owl, burrowing Owl, great horned Owl, madagascar hawk Owl, snowy Owl, white-browed Ox, musk Oxybelis fulgidus Oxybelis sp. Oystercatcher, blackish Paca Pacific gull Paddy heron (unidentified) Pademelon, red-legged Painted stork Pale white-eye Pale-throated three-toed sloth Pallas's fish eagle Palm squirrel Pampa gray fox Pan troglodytes Pandon haliaetus Panthera leo Panthera leo persica Panthera onca Panthera pardus Panthera tigris Papilio canadensis Papio cynocephalus Papio ursinus Paradoxure Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Parakeet, rose-ringed Paraxerus cepapi Paroaria gularis Parrot, hawk-headed Partridge, coqui Parus atricapillus Passer domesticus Pavo cristatus Peacock, blue Peacock, indian Peccary, collared Peccary, white-lipped Pedetes capensis Pelecans onocratalus Pelecanus conspicillatus Pelecanus occidentalis Pelican, australian Pelican, brown Pelican, eastern white Pelican, great white Penguin, fairy Penguin, galapagos Penguin, little blue Penguin, magellanic Perameles nasuta Peregrine falcon Petaurus breviceps Petaurus norfolcensis Phacochoerus aethiopus Phaethon aethereus Phalacrocorax albiventer Phalacrocorax brasilianus Phalacrocorax carbo Phalacrocorax niger Phalacrocorax varius Phalarope, grey Phalarope, northern Phalarope, red Phalarope, red-necked Phalaropus fulicarius Phalaropus lobatus Phascogale calura Phascogale tapoatafa Phascogale, brush-tailed Phascogale, red-tailed Phascolarctos cinereus Phasianus colchicus Pheasant, common Pheasant, ring-necked Philetairus socius Phoca vitulina Phoeniconaias minor Phoenicopterus chilensis Phoenicopterus ruber Phylurus milli Physignathus cocincinus Picoides pubescens Pie, indian tree Pie, rufous tree Pied avocet Pied butcher bird Pied cormorant Pied crow Pied kingfisher Pig-tailed macaque Pigeon, feral rock Pigeon, wood Pine siskin Pine snake (unidentified) Pine squirrel Pintail, bahama Pintail, white-cheeked Pitangus sulphuratus Pituophis melanaleucus Plains zebra Platalea leucordia Platypus Plectopterus gambensis Plegadis falcinellus Plegadis ridgwayi Plocepasser mahali Ploceus intermedius Ploceus rubiginosus Plover, blacksmith Plover, three-banded Pocket gopher (unidentified) Podargus strigoides Polar bear Polecat, african Porcupine, african Porcupine, crested Porcupine, indian Porcupine, north american Porcupine, prehensile-tailed Porcupine, tree Porphyrio porphyrio Possum, common brushtail Possum, golden brush-tailed Possum, pygmy Possum, ring-tailed Possum, western pygmy Potamochoerus porcus Potoroo Potorous tridactylus Potos flavus Prairie falcon Praying mantis (unidentified) Prehensile-tailed porcupine Priodontes maximus Prionace glauca Procyon cancrivorus Procyon lotor Pronghorn Propithecus verreauxi Proteles cristatus Pseudalopex gymnocercus Pseudocheirus peregrinus Pseudoleistes virescens Psittacula krameri Psophia viridis Pterocles gutturalis Pteronura brasiliensis Pteropus rufus Puffin, horned Puku Puma Puma, south american Puna ibis Purple grenadier Purple moorhen Pycnonotus barbatus Pycnonotus nigricans Pygmy possum Python (unidentified) Python, carpet Pytilia melba Quail, gambel's Quoll, eastern Quoll, spotted-tailed Rabbit, eastern cottontail Raccoon dog Raccoon, common Raccoon, crab-eating Racer snake Racer, american Racer, blue Radiated tortoise Rainbow lory Ramphastos tucanus Rana sp. Rangifer tarandus Raphicerus campestris Rat, arboral spiny Rat, desert kangaroo Rat, white-faced tree Rattlesnake, dusky Rattlesnake, eastern diamondback Rattlesnake, horned Ratufa indica Raven, cape Raven, white-necked Recurvirostra avosetta Red and blue macaw Red brocket Red deer Red hartebeest Red howler monkey Red kangaroo Red lava crab Red meerkat Red phalarope Red sheep Red squirrel Red-billed buffalo weaver Red-billed hornbill Red-billed toucan Red-billed tropic bird Red-breasted cockatoo Red-breasted nuthatch Red-capped cardinal Red-cheeked cordon bleu Red-headed woodpecker Red-knobbed coot Red-legged pademelon Red-necked phalarope Red-necked wallaby Red-shouldered glossy starling Red-tailed cockatoo Red-tailed hawk Red-tailed phascogale Red-tailed wambenger Red-winged blackbird Red-winged hawk (unidentified) Redunca redunca Reedbuck, bohor Reindeer Rhabdomys pumilio Rhea americana Rhea, common Rhea, gray Rhea, greater Rhesus macaque Rhesus monkey Rhinoceros, black Rhinoceros, square-lipped Rhinoceros, white Richardson's ground squirrel Ring dove Ring-necked pheasant Ring-tailed coatimundi Ring-tailed gecko Ring-tailed lemur Ring-tailed possum Ringtail Ringtail cat Ringtail, common River wallaby Roadrunner, greater Roan antelope Robin, kalahari scrub Robin, white-throated Rock dove Roe deer Roller, lilac-breasted Rose-ringed parakeet Roseat flamingo Roseate cockatoo Royal tern Rufous tree pie Rufous-collared sparrow Russian dragonfly Sable antelope Sacred ibis Saddle-billed stork Sage grouse Sage hen Sagittarius serpentarius Sally lightfoot crab Salmon pink bird eater tarantula Salmon, sockeye Salvadora hexalepis Sambar Sandgrouse, yellow-throated Sandhill crane Sandpiper, spotted wood Sarcophilus harrisii Sarcorhamphus papa Sarkidornis melanotos Sarus crane Sauromalus obesus Savanna baboon Savanna fox Savannah deer Savannah deer (unidentified) Scaly-breasted lorikeet Scarlet macaw Sceloporus magister Sciurus niger Sciurus vulgaris Scolopax minor Scottish highland cow Screamer, crested Screamer, southern Sea birds (unidentified) Seal, common Seal, harbor Seal, northern elephant Seal, northern fur Seal, southern elephant Secretary bird Seiurus aurocapillus Semnopithecus entellus Serval Seven-banded armadillo Shark, blue Sheathbill, snowy Sheep, american bighorn Sheep, red Sheep, stone Shelduck, common Shelduck, european Short-beaked echidna Short-nosed bandicoot Shrew, mandras tree Shrike, common boubou Shrike, crimson-breasted Shrike, southern white-crowned Sidewinder Sifaka, verreaux's Silver gull Silver-backed fox Silver-backed jackal Siskin, pine Siskin, yellow-rumped Sitta canadensis Skimmer, four-spotted Skink, african Skink, blue-tongued Skua, great Skua, long-tailed Skunk, striped Skunk, western spotted Slender loris Slender-billed cockatoo Sloth bear Sloth, hoffman's Sloth, pale-throated three-toed Sloth, two-toed Sloth, two-toed tree Small Indian mongoose Small-clawed otter Small-spotted genet Small-toothed palm civet Smith's bush squirrel Smithopsis crassicaudata Snake (unidentified) Snake, buttermilk Snake, carpet Snake, eastern indigo Snake, green vine Snake, racer Snake, tiger Snake, western patch-nosed Snake-necked turtle Snow goose Snowy egret Snowy owl Snowy sheathbill Snycerus caffer Sociable weaver Sockeye salmon South African hedgehog South American meadowlark (unidentified) South American puma South American sea lion Southern black-backed gull Southern boubou Southern brown bandicoot Southern elephant seal Southern ground hornbill Southern hairy-nosed wombat Southern lapwing Southern right whale Southern screamer Southern sea lion Southern tamandua Southern white-crowned shrike Sparrow, house Sparrow, rufous-collared Spectacled caiman Speothos vanaticus Speotyte cuniculata Spermophilus armatus Spermophilus lateralis Spermophilus parryii Spermophilus richardsonii Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Spheniscus magellanicus Spheniscus mendiculus Spider, wolf Spilogale gracilis Spizaetus coronatus Spoonbill, european Spoonbill, white Sportive lemur Spotted deer Spotted hyena Spotted wood sandpiper Spotted-tailed quoll Springbok Springbuck Springhare Spur-winged goose Spurfowl, yellow-necked Square-lipped rhinoceros Squirrel glider Squirrel, african bush Squirrel, antelope ground Squirrel, arctic ground Squirrel, eastern fox Squirrel, eurasian red Squirrel, european red Squirrel, golden-mantled ground Squirrel, grey-footed Squirrel, indian giant Squirrel, malabar Squirrel, nelson ground Squirrel, palm Squirrel, pine Squirrel, red Squirrel, richardson's ground Squirrel, smith's bush Squirrel, thirteen-lined Squirrel, uinta ground Stanley bustard Stanley crane Starfish, crown of thorns Starling, cape Starling, greater blue-eared Starling, red-shouldered glossy Starling, superb Steenbok Steenbuck Steller sea lion Steller's sea lion Stenella coeruleoalba Stercorarius longicausus Sterna paradisaea Stick insect Stilt, black-winged Stone sheep Stork, black-necked Stork, european Stork, greater adjutant Stork, jabiru Stork, marabou Stork, openbill Stork, painted Stork, saddle-billed Stork, white Stork, white-necked Stork, woolly-necked Stork, yellow-billed Streptopelia decipiens Streptopelia senegalensis Striated heron Striped dolphin Striped hyena Striped skunk Struthio camelus Sugar glider Sula dactylatra Sula nebouxii Sulfur-crested cockatoo Sun gazer Sunbird, lesser double-collared Sungazer, yellow-brown Superb starling Suricata suricatta Suricate Sus scrofa Swainson's francolin Swallow (unidentified) Swallow-tail gull Swamp deer Swan, black Swan, trumpeter Sylvicapra grimma Sylvilagus floridanus Tachybaptus ruficollis Tachyglossus aculeatus Tadorna tadorna Tailless tenrec Tamandua tetradactyla Tamandua, southern Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Tammar wallaby Tapir, brazilian Tapirus terrestris Tarantula Tarantula, salmon pink bird eater Tasmanian devil Tauraco porphyrelophus Taurotagus oryx Tawny eagle Tawny frogmouth Taxidea taxus Tayassu pecari Tayassu tajacu Tayra Teal, hottentot Tenrec ecaudatus Tenrec, tailless Terathopius ecaudatus Tern, arctic Tern, royal Tern, white-winged Tern, white-winged black Terrapene carolina Tetracerus quadricornis Thalasseus maximus Thamnolaea cinnmomeiventris Theropithecus gelada Thirteen-lined squirrel Thomson's gazelle Thrasher, curve-billed Three-banded plover Threskionis aethiopicus Thylogale stigmatica Tiger Tiger cat Tiger snake Tiliqua scincoides Timber wolf Tinamou, elegant crested Tockus erythrorhyncus Tockus flavirostris Toddy cat Tokay gecko Topi Tortoise, asian foreset Tortoise, burmese black mountain Tortoise, burmese brown mountain Tortoise, desert Tortoise, galapagos Tortoise, indian star Tortoise, radiated Toucan, red-billed Toucan, white-throated Toxostoma curvirostre Trachyphonus vaillantii Tragelaphus angasi Tragelaphus scriptus Tragelaphus strepsiceros Tree porcupine Trichechus inunguis Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus Trichosurus vulpecula Tringa glareola Tropical buckeye butterfly Trotter, lily Trumpeter swan Trumpeter, dark-winged Trumpeter, green-winged Tsessebe Turaco, violet-crested Turkey vulture Turkey, australian brush Turkey, common Turkey, wild Tursiops truncatus Turtle (unidentified) Turtle, eastern box Turtle, long-necked Turtle, snake-necked Turtur chalcospilos Two-banded monitor Two-toed sloth Two-toed tree sloth Tyrant flycatcher Tyto novaehollandiae Uinta ground squirrel Upupa epops Uraeginthus angolensis Uraeginthus bengalus Uraeginthus granatina Urial Ursus americanus Ursus arctos Ursus maritimus Vanellus armatus Vanellus chilensis Vanellus sp. Vanessa indica Varanus albigularis Varanus komodensis Varanus salvator Varanus sp. Verreaux's sifaka Vervet monkey Vicugna vicugna Vicuna Vine snake (unidentified) Violet-crested turaco Violet-eared waxbill Viper, egyptian Vombatus ursinus Vulpes chama Vulpes cinereoargenteus Vulpes vulpes Vulture, bengal Vulture, black Vulture, egyptian Vulture, griffon Vulture, king Vulture, lappet-faced Vulture, oriental white-backed Vulture, turkey Vulture, white-headed Vulture, white-rumped Wagtail, african pied Wallaby, agile Wallaby, bennett's Wallaby, dama Wallaby, euro Wallaby, red-necked Wallaby, river Wallaby, tammar Wallaby, whip-tailed Wallaroo, common Wambenger, red-tailed Wapiti, elk, Warthog Water legaan Water moccasin Water monitor Waterbuck, common Waterbuck, defassa Wattled crane Waved albatross Waxbill, black-cheeked Waxbill, blue Waxbill, violet-eared Weaver, chestnut Weaver, lesser masked Weaver, red-billed buffalo Weaver, sociable Weaver, white-browed sparrow Weeper capuchin Western bearded dragon Western grey kangaroo Western lowland gorilla Western palm tanager (unidentified) Western patch-nosed snake Western pygmy possum Western spotted skunk Whale, baleen Whale, killer Whale, long-finned pilot Whale, southern right Whip-tailed wallaby White rhinoceros White spoonbill White stork White-bellied sea eagle White-browed owl White-browed sparrow weaver White-cheeked pintail White-eye, cape White-eye, pale White-faced tree rat White-faced whistling duck White-fronted bee-eater White-fronted capuchin White-headed vulture White-lipped peccary White-mantled colobus White-necked raven White-necked stork White-nosed coatimundi White-rumped vulture White-tailed deer White-tailed jackrabbit White-throated kingfisher White-throated monitor White-throated robin White-throated toucan White-winged black tern White-winged dove White-winged tern Wild boar Wild turkey Wild water buffalo Wildebeest, blue Wolf spider Wolf, common Wolf, mexican Wolf, timber Wombat, common Wombat, southern hairy-nosed Wood pigeon Woodchuck Woodcock, american Woodpecker, downy Woodpecker, red-headed Woodrat (unidentified) Woolly-necked stork Worm snake (unidentified) Woylie Xerus sp. Yak Yellow baboon Yellow mongoose Yellow-bellied marmot Yellow-billed hornbill Yellow-billed stork Yellow-brown sungazer Yellow-crowned night heron Yellow-headed caracara Yellow-necked spurfowl Yellow-rumped siskin Yellow-throated sandgrouse Zalophus californicus Zebra, common Zebra, plains Zenaida asiatica Zenaida galapagoensis Zonotrichia capensis Zorilla Zorro, azara's Zorro, common Zosterops pallidus