Entr - The file watcher you’ve never heard of
Entr’s website
, grunt
, watchman
or any of the proprietary built-in watchers in
IDE’s. You do not need them, or rather, there is a light alternative that I want
to show you and it’s ‘unixy’.
Its name is entr
, it’s written in C, it’s small and simple. There are no
configuration files and no installation steps, it just works™.
Let’s start with the classic example of rebuilding the project on change:
ls | entr make
How about running unit tests after certain files have changed?
fd . {src/,tests/} -t f | entr composer run test-unit
How about re-executing that SQL you’re working on?
fd . | entr mysql -h 12.345.67 -u sql-user -p somepassword < your_sql_script.sql
Basically, get a list of files you want to watch (I use ls
and fd
in the
examples above) and pipe it to entr
Where it shines
Local development environments where you want to quickly iterate with immediate
Where it doesn’t
Anything past local development environments. These kind of things are not
maintainable in the long run, unless you’re a code golfer I guess.
Versioning your watchers
Want to version and alias your watchers so you don’t have to type out that long
command everytime you start developing?
If this is you (it’s definitely me), then you probably want
entree. A version controllable wrapper
for entr that also aliases watchers. I created it a while back to scratch the
itch I just described. I wrote about it
too. You should use it. It
has tab completion.