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Deoplete is a completion engine for Neovim and Vim8.

You can write your own completion sources for it so that it can complete anything and everything you had in mind.

We’ll walkthrough creating a (very) simple completion source for vim-minisnip, a lightweight snippet manager.

By the end of the article you’ll have a source capable of listing your created vim-minisnip snippets. Check this asciicast for an example of what we’ll have at the end.


Deoplete sources are written in Python but you can offload the majority of the work to Vimscript (if you’re a sadist). In our example, we go with a 100% Python solution, no Vimscript :D


We’ll be using vim-plug to pull in vim-minisnip and the Deoplete completion engine. Feel free to use an alternative that you’re comfortable with (Pathogen, Vundle, Dein etc…). If you’ve never used any I recommend vim-plug.

(You can also work locally if you want)

Assuming you’re going with vim-plug and you already have Deoplete up and running, add vim-minisnip and your Deoplete source to your plugins:

Plug 'joereynolds/vim-minisnip'
Plug 'me/my-deoplete-minisnip' 

(Note: The original vim-minisnip is unmaintained so I forked it and maintain it, my fork has a few improvements and bug fixes over the original)

Now it’s time to get to the meat of the work…

Creating The Source File

Deoplete looks in a specific directory for the file In our case it’s rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/

In my case, the absolute path is /home/joe/.config/nvim/plugged/deoplete-minisnip/rplugin/python3/deoplete/sources/

The Code


All sources need to extend a Base class, so we need to import Deoplete’s base class. Since vim-minisnip relies on files for snippets, we also need a way of reading a directory so we import the os module, and then we’re done.

import os
from .base import Base

The Class

Call your class Source and extend it from Base and that’s it

class Source(Base):

The Methods

There’s only two methods in our class, the __init__ and Deoplete’s gather_candidates.

Let’s go through our __init__


    def __init__(self, vim):
        Base.__init__(self, vim) = 'minisnip'
        self.mark = '[minisnip]'
        self.min_pattern_length = 0
        self.minisnip_dir = self.vim.eval('g:minisnip_dir')
        self.snippets = os.listdir(self.minisnip_dir)

This is almost the bare minimum required so I’ll explain each attribute. - Every source requires a name.

self.mark - This is what shows up next to the item in the completion menu, you should probably keep this short (I think minisnip might be too long personally).

self.min_pattern_length - This is how many characters need to be typed before completion pops up. Since snippets are short by nature, I remove the need altogether. The default is 2 which is too long for my snippets which are things such as if, vd etc…

self.minisnip_dir - This is the minisnip_directory set by minisnip. If none is entered in your vimrc, it looks in ~/.vim/minisnip. Note the use of self.vim.eval this basically calls vim and returns the result.

self.snippets - This is a list of all the snippets in our self.minisnip_dir.

Now, we’ll take a look at our final (and most important) method, gather_candidates.

Gather Candidates

gather_candidates is what returns the items for completion, it must return an array.

You can test this yourself by doing something as simple as

    def gather_candidates(self, context):
        return ['Hello from Python!']

Now, when you run vim with your plugin enabled you’ll see it right in front of you (image: completion.png)

Of course, you probably want it to be intelligent and semi-useful so let’s work out the kinks.

When the gather_candidates function is called, it is passed a context. The context is injected in automatically by Deoplete and contains some useful information on the current filetype, and other stuff that wouldn’t be accessible from Python on it’s own.

With that in mind, we grab the filetype (context['filetype']). The reason we do this is because minisnip’s snippets have the filetype name in them. The filename of a snippet is generally in the form of _filetype_your_snippet_name

Here are a few of mine:


With the filename in mind, all we really want to grab is everything after the filetype and the ‘_’. So we do this (which I realise is more complicated than it needs to be but life gets in my way :( )

filetype = '_' + context['filetype'] + '_'
cleaned = [snippet.split(filetype)[1] for snippet in self.snippets if filetype in snippet]

This will return a list of all snippets after the _filetype_ part of the name. In the end, our example snippets above would return


Thankfully, vim-minisnip is also filetype aware so it won’t show you sql snippets in a php file or vice versa which is nice. You can force it to be on for every file type but I prefer the context aware snippets.

Finally, after successfully extracting the snippet name from the snippet, we just need to return it in a format that Deoplete expects. That can be done like so

return [{'word': snippet} for snippet in cleaned]

Deoplete uses a dictionary and the 'word' key you see above. In this case, we return one dictionary for every snippet.

With all of that in mind, our gather_candidates function ends up looking like this.

    def gather_candidates(self, context):
        """Returns all snippets in the users
        vim minisnip directory"""
        filetype =  '_' + context['filetype'] + '_'
        cleaned = [snippet.split(filetype)[1] for snippet in self.snippets if filetype in snippet]
        return [{'word': snippet} for snippet in cleaned]

That’s all folks

I’ve only scratched the surface of Deoplete, there is a ton that you can do that I haven’t covered. see :help deoplete for more infomation.

Putting all of what we’ve done together, we get 20 lines of Python that provide context aware snippet completion. Woo! :D

import os
from .base import Base

class Source(Base):

    def __init__(self, vim):
        Base.__init__(self, vim) = 'minisnip'
        self.mark = '[minisnip]'
        self.min_pattern_length = 0
        self.minisnip_dir = self.vim.eval('g:minisnip_dir')
        self.snippets = os.listdir(self.minisnip_dir)

    def gather_candidates(self, context):
        """Returns all snippets in the users
        vim minisnip directory"""
        filetype = '_' + context['filetype'] + '_'
        cleaned = [snippet.split(filetype)[1] for snippet in self.snippets if filetype in snippet]
        return [{'word': snippet} for snippet in cleaned]



My fork of vim-minisnip:


Some simple sources I learned from: